Terms & Privacy Policy
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Inline linking refers to the process of taking a portion of content, such as an image, and using it inline on another website.
Inline linking is not the same as hyperlinking to an entire page on this site, which is encouraged.
See a detailed explanation of the difference here.
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Such means may include, but are not limited to:
- disabling the inline linked content,
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- redirecting visitors of the infracting website to this policy statement.
This website collects non-personally-identifiable statistical information such as what links were clicked, and the IP address, User agent, and Referrer sent by your browser.
This information is used to improve the site and determine what pages are most useful, and cannot be used to identify or contact you. Most other websites collect the same information for similar reasons.
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If you have any questions about this site's Terms & Privacy Policy, please contact the Webmaster at: 
Last updated: August 8th, 2009. Reason: Minor revisions, and added Inline Linking policy.